
The NMG Market Fund Survey period tables of returns, graphically depict annual returns for various Retirement Fund Investment Portfolios in South Africa and Namibia, ranked from best to worse.

The Market Surveys provide a comparison of investments found in Retirement Funds in South Africa and Namibia. The NMG Survey includes 27 managers and 147 investment portfolios. It illustrates the historical performance of these investments over various time periods, and also gives an indication of how risky each of them are. The investments are classified into these risk buckets, and for this reason provide a meaningful comparison to similar peers.

SA Market Value Survey South African Market Value Survey

Namibian Market Value Survey NAM Market Value Survey

SA Medical Aid Survey

RSA MV Smartbox

Invest for tomorrow’s goals, not todays performance. Hein Klee, Executive of the NMG Investment Consulting Department shares his insight on the short term volatility within a long term perspective of the first quarter of 2018. He breakdown the interplay of the trend line of a Retirement Fund Member and puts the current short term returns into perspective for a Retirement Fund Member.

Click here to read more

The objective of NMG SmartAssets is to design retirement solutions that are robust over the long term, yet flexible enough to adapt to the volatile market conditions currently being experienced.

The world of retirement has entered new territories, people live longer and markets are more volatile. This means that our investment strategy needs to tactically adjusts exposures in response to changing market conditions to pursue higher risk-adjusted returns and inflation protection over time. NMG SmartAssets are looking to find ways to preserve capital for our Clients, manage risk, and grow investments.

NMG SmartAssets captures a broad range of domestic and global equities, fixed income, real assets and money market funds to enhance investment returns, mitigate risk and protect against inflation.

Click on the link to see the performance of the NMG Smart Asset range and other active and passive mangers in the industry.

NMG Active Mangers Comparison Survey NMG Passive Managers Comparison Survey