
[INFOGRAPHIC] Key statistics and trends in the medical scheme industry

NMG Benefits Actuarial and Specialised Services division have analysed the key statistics and trends in the medical scheme industry derived from the latest Council for Medical Schemes’ (‘CMS’) Annual Report 2014-2015, in conjunction with the previous CMS reports. The 15 largest open medical schemes as well as the Government Employees Medical Scheme have been considered, […]


Toska Kouskos Talks Low Cost Medical Schemes

Low Cost Benefit Option (“LCBO”) Framework Approved by the Council for Medical Schemes (“CMS”) Your scheme may launch a Low Cost Benefit Option on 1 January 2016! With mounting cost pressures in the healthcare space, we have seen a mushrooming of different products [outside of the Medical Schemes Act (‘the Act”)] to provide a solution […]


Mercado Released [07 September 2015]: Emerging Markets Currencies Drop

Most commodities currencies have lost against the greenback this year. Currencies that are leading in losses are the Brazilian real and the Russian ruble. These currencies have declined 30.6% and 21.9% against the dollar, respectively this year. Currency volatility is on the rise especially for emerging markets because of subdued commodity prices and as investors […]


Andrew Warren interviewed on Metrofm

  NMG Benefits CEO was interviewed on Metrofm by Rams Mabote. Issues covered were Employee Benefits for small businesses, BBB-EEE and procurement opportunities for small businesses at NMG. Also explored was NMG’S history of providing sound advice to all types of employers in South Africa.


Mercado Released [17 August 2015]: THE CHINESE YUAN

China sent shock waves through the market on Tuesday as it took steps to boost the economy by devaluing the currency by the most in two decades. The central bank cut its daily reference rate by 1.9% which caused the currency to weaken. The move had ripple effects across the globe as world markets posted […]


Decoding the investment universe

  To some the word “investment” can be intimidating and something that is only accessible to the wealthy. And as such it can leave those apathetic, resulting in a reluctance to understand the importance of investing and the critical role it plays in one’s future prosperity. Other jargon and seemingly technical areas such as taxation, […]


Legal Update: Overview of new draft default regulations that affect retirement funds

National Treasury has published draft default proposals that follow from the Treasury paper, Charges in South African Retirement Funds, published in 2013. This paper highlighted the complex and opaque products with high charges in the SA retirement system. The draft default proposals are some of the first steps, together with the Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) […]


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