
What’s worth $500bn and is paying no tax? Yes, SMSFs.

Last week we looked at the small contribution superannuation is making to Commonwealth tax revenues, making it a target for future measures, albeit perhaps not in the coming Budget. Data just out from the ATO adds a lot more colour to that picture, with detailed statistics released relating to individuals, companies, trusts, and of course […]


Days of tax exempt pension divisions are coming to an end

In the wake of the Commission of Audit and leading up to the 2014-15 Federal Budget, much focus has been on the affordability of Australia’s public pension arrangements – despite the growth of Australia’s super system to $1.6tn, 80%+ of the population is expected to retain access to the public pension, even over the long […]


Fair Work super dispute – who wins in the long run?

Bismarck is reputed to have said (inaccurately it is now believed) that the law is like making sausages – you never want to see them made.  To that we might addthe setting of approved product lists (APLs) – a bitterly contested process where much is at stake. This is the easiest way to understand the contention […]


UK abandons annuities – where now for retirement income?

Imagine if in the May Federal Budget the Treasurer announced that super was no longer compulsory. The UK has just seen something comparable with the overnight abandonment of compulsory annuitisation at retirement.  With Australian super funds getting to grips with retirement income, valuable lessons can be learnt. Unlike in Australia where retirees are free to take […]


Your next CEO should be a product manager

Not a lot of product managers make it to the top of the wealth and asset management industry.  More often CEOs are taken from the ranks of investment professionals or heads of distribution.  But product managers should keep their eyes on the big prize, because the role of product manager is ideal training for leadership and […]


Why we should be paying fund trustees $200,000 pa

A series of ASFA panels in which we are currently participating have discussed where key Coalition policies are likely to land, including the contentious topic of fund governance, the equal representation board model, and independent directors. Changing the status quo has major implications for power and control.  Some stakeholders no doubt see independents as a […]


When premiums rise 50%, are you vulnerable on insurance?

During 2014, and in likely for some years to come, super fund members will be getting letters advising them that their insurance costs are rising – substantially. We looked at the de-stabilisation of group life before Christmas, which you can find here.  Now letters from some of the big not-for-profits are starting to go out.  So […]


Fund mergers – why HIP and Prime make strange bedfellows

When it comes to fund mergers, it is said that industries can’t or won’t mix, pointing to the apparent cultural difficulties of a hypothetical merger of, say, CBUS and HESTA. But apparently jackaroos and healthcare workers do mix, if the recently announced merger of Prime Super and Health Industry Plan is anything to go by.  […]


Super’s new normal – low single digit growth

New normal is a much overused term, but peculiarly applicable to the post-financial crisis world for super. Australia has been used to a super industry of double-digit growth rates, with investment returns pepping things up further.  Indeed, 2013 was like the good old days, with the system growing by 16% – the best annual growth since at […]


Making sense of SMSF borrowing

If there is a single statistic that has provoked debate from the ATO annual SMSF statistical release in December, it is probably SMSF borrowings, and any link with increased residential real estate activity and prices. When you have identities such as Paul Howes (National Secretary of the AWU and a Trustee Director of AustralianSuper) writing […]


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