Is wealth moving to the freemium model?

Price is just one of marketing’s four Ps, but a critical one for obvious reasons. Among other things, price determines how much can be paid for distribution, it affects perceptions of quality and – clearly – has a big impact on profitability. So what happens when a competitor starts offering a product very similar to […]


Mercado Released [18 May 2015]: EUROZONE ECONOMIC GROWTH

Eurozone economic growth accelerated in the first quarter of 2015, as both Italy and France attained positive growth rates for the period. The Euro area grew by 0.4% during the first three months of the year, beating the UK and US. This marks the fastest rate of growth the zone has seen in the past […]


The BT Equity Income Series – Can complexity sell?

Source: Tria Investment Partners Managed Funds Review December 2014, Morningstar In 2012 BTIM launched its direct to market Equity Income Series, two funds targeting the pre- and post-retirement sectors. The funds were launched with a flourish of targeted marketing materials and communications designed to communicate the benefits to investors. Going against the post-GFC trend towards […]


Mercado Released [11 May 2015]: US ECONOMIC GROWTH

The US economy grew at a slower rate than what was expected, achieving a growth rate of only 0.2% for the first three months of the year. Analysts had forecast a growth rate of 1.0% for the same period. Despite the fact that the US managed to achieve a high level of growth in 2014, […]


Is Trowbridge fixing a problem that doesn’t exist?

As the life insurance industry counts down toward the deadline for resolving adviser remuneration for life insurance, like many in the industry we are asking ourselves – how did it come to this? We see two primary issues the insurance industry needs to resolve: The quality of advice provided to clients and the resulting quality […]


Mercado Released [4 May 2015]: The Producer Price Index

Producer prices climbed in March, on the back of higher food, tobacco and beverage prices. PPI for the third month of the year moved to 3.1% on a year-on-year basis and 1.8% on a month-on-month basis. PPI is a relative measure of the average change in the price of a basket of representative goods and […]


Internalisation: the end of the world as we know it?

Many of Australia’s largest super funds have been progressively increasing headcount in their internal investment teams. Some have very rapidly built out their teams – although this is more the exception than the rule – and AustralianSuper is the first with an internal investment team of more than 100 staff. Asset managers are wondering: how […]


If you build it, will they come? What can Australia learn from the UK’s D2C wrap platform market?

The Australian and UK wealth markets have a lot in common… Retail platform markets which are both roughly A$600b in size Both now have compulsory defined contribution employer funded pension/superannuation saving systems1 Both have large and mature financial advice industries (albeit UK licensees are far more independently owned; this point becomes important further down) Both […]


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