From Jacky’s Desk

The Minister of Health released the National Health Insurance Bill and the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill. These proposed legislative changes intend to pave the way for the implementation of National Health Insurance within the context of striving towards universal access to healthcare for the population. While much work needs to be done to fully understand […]


Price vs value strategies in UK retail protection

The UK retail protection market is characterised by relatively low customer engagement, with most purchases driven by life-stage triggers such as marriage, property or childbirth, rather than concern about the risk of personal illness or death. With consumer perception of a strong social safety net in place in the form of the NHS and other […]


Does salaried advice need a new (tied) regulatory model?

Here’s the latest Trialogue – in the traditional format as ever, and there is also a video if that’s how you prefer to consume the content.   In the aftermath of the Royal Commission, best interest duty has been a topic of much discussion.  It’s a really important part of the regulatory construct and instrumental […]


Who Sells Big Plans?

Topics in 401 (k) Distribution: Fifth in a Series Specialist or “Heavy” advisors, of course, those deriving almost all of their professional income from 401(k), right? Well, only partially. To be sure, Heavy advisors are about twice as likely as all advisors to sell larger plans, say $10M+. But flip the axes and a slightly different […]


Platforms and retail market share: how high is high tide?

Platforms have gained a commanding share of retail advised assets. But how commanding and how far will it go? To understand that, it’s worth revisiting the platform value proposition – for investor and adviser. The UK is notable in having a strong platform segment focused on consumers, and another focused on advisers. The two are […]


The Twilight of Active Management?

Topics in 401 (k) Distribution: Fourth in a Series Unsettled though advisors may be about what their broker/dealers will require of them under the fiduciary rule, they are nonetheless utterly clear-headed about where their investment recommendations are going. More than half (52%) expect to begin recommending passively-managed funds or to increase the number of such funds […]


The firm vs the client: conflicted decision making post-Royal Commission

The Financial Services Royal Commission has created a stir across the country; it’s not often that I overhear conversations about AMP at my local pub, or that my Mum sends me a text asking if her superannuation is ‘safe’. Within the wealth industry there has also been widespread shock.  Some of the things that have […]


Defined Contribution Participant Perspectives: Fifth in a Series

With the final compliance deadline for the DOL fiduciary rule now pushed out to July 1, 2019 it may still be too early to say how advisors are reacting. But some early signs are telling.   Most advisors have already made one or more changes as a result of the DOL fiduciary rule… More than […]


Value-for-money in UK asset management: taking a deeper look

  What to make of the FCA’s PS18/8 Asset Management Study Remedies released last week? It looks like a damp squib in the wake of the key findings of the Asset Management Market Study June 2017 final report, but the value-for-money assessment and related disclosure requirements represent a significant new undertaking – equally an opportunity […]


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