
FoFA preview – how it has reshaped the wealth industry

The next edition of Trialogue will be released into a post-FoFA world. What’s going to look different? FoFA is perhaps the most far-reaching industry reform since compulsory superannuation. It leaves the Stronger Super reforms in the shade; indeed one of the problems of Stronger Super was that FoFA basically stole its thunder (that’s how you […]


Retail insurance – high hopes and how to realise them

One of the interesting data points of the 2012-13 Tria Super Funds Review is that while net inflows have been holding up in dollar terms, they are increasingly concentrated. 80% of industry net inflow goes to just 20% of the competitors. For the other 80% of competitors, net inflows are getting hard to come by. […]


Lies, damned lies, and SMSF statistics

If you based your industry views on the breathless reporting of the ATO’s latest SMSF statistical report (for March 2013), you would think the SMSF segment was about to cave in. This quarterly data release was widely reported by the Australian Financial Review and others as reporting that the rate of establishment of SMSFs had […]


How should AQUA II work?

How should AQUA II work, and what impact would it have if it did actually work? The impasse between the ASX and ASIC is said to revolve around an investor agreeing that they have read an electronic version of a PDS vs actually receiving a hard copy and providing a wet (ie ink) signature. That’s […]


AQUA II can’t come soon enough for managed funds

Where is AQUA II? It’s a question we get regularly, and we’ve given up putting a date on it, having expected it to be launched a year ago. It’s becoming a bit like Elvis sightings – no-one seems to have any confidence in when it will appear and it risks becoming a bit of a […]


MTAA RetireSafe – how do you distribute a complex product?

Can a not-for-profit – or anyone for that matter – successfully distribute a complex retirement income product? Just to make things more challenging, is it possible to distribute such a product directly to super fund members moving into the pension phase? The track record of these types of products is not especially encouraging. For every […]


How do you get investors to respond to communication?

One of the big challenges of every marketing executive is working out how to get investors or super fund members to respond to communications directed to them. Mailing all investors in a fund is time consuming in production terms, hugely expensive to execute, and often achieves abysmal response rates. It’s not just poor return on […]


Trio Capital fraud: all but certain to be repeated

The Government’s response last week to the report into the collapse of Trio Capital (that’s Trio, not Tria), and the associated Treasury Review of the Trio Capital Fraud and Assessment of the Regulatory Framework is unconvincing. Attention has focused on the proposed further tightening of capital and PI requirements on advisers, and the decision to […]


ASIC crashes the MDA party

ASIC has been (fairly) criticized in past years for being slow to detect and react to problematic practices in the wealth industry, slamming the stable door after the horses have bolted. With managed discretionary accounts (MDAs), ASIC seems to be trying to get ahead of the game. Its Consultation Paper 200 (CP200) released in March […]


SPS 530: a new APRA investment headache for super funds

If you’re a product manager for a super fund, you’ve heard about SPS 530 and are busy working out how to implement it. Well hopefully anyway. If you’re a CEO or board member exhausted from implementing Stronger Super, well no rest for the wicked. SPS 530 is not a new prescription drug. Rather, it’s APRA’s […]


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