
Advice: What’s it worth to a super fund?

Financial advice has been causing headaches across the industry over the last few years, from disparaging newspaper headlines to ASIC interventions and threat of disruption, there has been no let-up in pressure to fix the problems of the past and innovate for the future. Advice presents a conundrum for all workplace superannuation providers, industry fund […]


Spaceship Part II: Will it take off?

In Part I we looked at what we might learn from Spaceship so far, particularly how it engaged and recruited hitherto disengaged astronauts. Spaceship has engaged a target market, young professionals, that has traditionally presented super funds with some challenges, so this week we look at Spaceship’s prospects: will it take off? Let’s define young […]


Spaceship Part I: a lesson in engagement

The holy grail of superannuation: an engaged member base. This is difficult enough to achieve if you have thousands of advisers on your books and a set of members nearing retirement. But engaging with younger people – say anyone 25+ – is a puzzle few in this industry would say they have solved so far. […]


Beyond the boomers: targeting the next growth segment

The retail industry has traditionally been squarely focused on clients who are aged 45 and over.  That has made perfect sense thus far, but there are a couple of reasons we think that will change in the not-too-distant future, presenting a challenge to industry funds who have – for the most part – had the […]


Retirement – industry funds’ weak spot. Or is it?

For all the growth, regulatory reform and hype about disruption, over the past 10 years (at the segment level) there has only been one meaningful shift: today’s infographic shows that retail funds have yielded market share to industry funds, whilst all other segments are basically flat.  Even SMSFs, one of the most talked about growth […]


CIPR: A strategic leg-up for industry funds

Industry funds have been stealing the march on retail funds for some years now – our Tria Super Funds Review will reveal that large industry funds have stolen a full 4% market share from the rest of the system, whilst retail funds’ share has gone backwards by 1.7%. But the prospects for retail funds – […]


Managed Accounts – is the jigsaw now complete?

Managed accounts have been ‘the next big thing’ in the platform and asset management industry for at least a decade now, promising to revolutionise the way advisers invest in a more tax friendly, transparent and cost effective manner. Australian Adviser Insights Programme, taking in the views of more than 200 independent advisers confirms the accepted […]


Invest in your brand: Ignore what they say, watch what they do

It will be no surprise to anyone that when we asked almost 500 institutional asset management buyers globally about how important an asset manager’s brand is in their decision making process, the overwhelming response is that it isn’t important at all. In fact, the institutions we spoke to as part of the annual NMG Global […]


GoogleSuper? We don’t think so.

With all the doomsday predictions of digital disruption you could be forgiven for thinking the industry is on the verge of catatonic capitulation. The industry’s customers are apparently chomping at the bit to change super funds, invest online and save some acorns in spaceships! But, coming back to earth, it’s important to understand a critical […]


The great passive road trip; when will it end?

The near decade long rise of passive management in Australia, largely at the expense of active managers, has been well documented. The question we’ve been asking as we compile the Tria Managed Funds Review each quarter is how far will this trend run? The chart below illustrates the last 3 years (and one quarter) of […]


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