Press Release: Industry funds boost presence in the pension stakes

Industry super funds are gaining ground in the pension sector after a long period of lagging behind their retail competitors. New research from Tria Investment Partners shows that in 2014 industry funds accounted for 9 per pent of funds in pension mode. But by 2016 this had increased to 13 per cent. Pension funds are […]


Beyond the boomers: targeting the next growth segment

The retail industry has traditionally been squarely focused on clients who are aged 45 and over.  That has made perfect sense thus far, but there are a couple of reasons we think that will change in the not-too-distant future, presenting a challenge to industry funds who have – for the most part – had the […]


Beyond the boomers: targeting the next growth segment

The retail industry has traditionally been squarely focused on clients who are aged 45 and over.  That has made perfect sense thus far, but there are a couple of reasons we think that will change in the not-too-distant future, presenting a challenge to industry funds who have – for the most part – had the […]


Retirement – industry funds’ weak spot. Or is it?

For all the growth, regulatory reform and hype about disruption, over the past 10 years (at the segment level) there has only been one meaningful shift: today’s infographic shows that retail funds have yielded market share to industry funds, whilst all other segments are basically flat.  Even SMSFs, one of the most talked about growth […]


The Super Funds Review, 6th edition, is now available

The SFR has the metrics that matter for Australia’s superannuation market. This comprehensive analysis covers all funds and entities with $1bn+ of super AUM and provides a single view of the total market and all major competitors and their suppliers across the retail and not-for-profit sectors. It focuses on key business metrics such as market […]


The Employee View of ‘Value for Money’ in Workplace Pensions

March 2017  |  By Jane Craig, Partner, Insights The Independent Governance Committees (IGCs) of UK DC pension providers, responsible for representing the interests of scheme members, have been set quite a task by the UK regulator in assessing how well their providers are delivering ‘Value for Money’ (VfM) for members. Quite rightly, they have placed importance […]


Savers clueless about impact of fees on pensions

Consumers do not consider fees and charges as a vital component of value for money in pensions, according to a survey of 15,000 pension scheme members. The study, which sought consumer views on the meaning of “value for money”, found they were much more concerned with issues such as “good returns” and the security of their savings. […]


Savers prepared to look past charges for returns

Good returns are the primary concern for pension scheme members when assessing value for money, according to research conducted by 11 independent governance committees, with charges sitting outside the top 10 of saver concerns. The study also identified low levels of engagement with pensions and member confusion around the difference between defined benefit and defined […]


Press Release: IGC group value for money research study

Press launch held Thursday, 2 March, 2017 (London). Last autumn a group of 11 Independent Governance Committees (IGCs), with the support of their respective UK workplace pension providers, jointly embarked on an extensive programme of member research, co-ordinated by law firm Sackers, to develop a common understanding of what members see as important when assessing […]


Vanishing Distinction: 403(b) Advisors Take on Other DC

Topics in 403(b) Distribution: first in a series 401(k) advisors troll the for-profit ponds while 403(b) advisors cast their lines into not-for-profit waters, right?  Well, not exactly. Updating our seminal 2012 study of advisors who sell 403(b) plans, we once again find that 403(b)-active advisors actually derive a significantly greater share of their income from […]


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