[INFOGRAPHIC] National Health Insurance White Paper: Theory versus practicality

NMG Benefits Actuarial and Specialised Services division has prepared a factual graphical summary of the White Paper focusing on the content that we see as the most important and relevant. This includes the structure and reimbursement of benefit packages, the review of funding structures including medical schemes and the implementation plan. We hope this will […]


mFunds – has the ship sailed?

It’s been a bit over 18 months since the launch of mFunds, the new ASX managed fund settlement capability. At time of launch there were great expectations mFunds could disrupt the platform market and help investment managers target elusive self-managed super funds (SMSFs).  So far the take-up has been well short of success. ASX data to […]


Platforms: high street or haute couture?

This week’s Trialogue draws on the inaugural Tria Australian Wealth Insights Programme. The Programme is an annual study based on face-to-face interviews with more than 200 influential advisers and licensees and provides valuable insights into the advice process, asset allocations, business models and views and preferences relating to lead platforms. One specific area of interest […]


Is $1m in super too much?

As part of its recent rubber-stamping of the FSI recommendations, the Government has announced its intention to enshrine in legislation the objective of the superannuation system. This will provide absolute clarity to funds as to their explicit purpose, which is likely to be to provide retirement incomes to substitute or supplement the Age Pension. So […]


Are slowing flows signalling passive woes?

This week’s Trialogue is all about charts.  It’s because we found a curious thing happening in the data when we started to compare passive and active FUM and flow data. The story started with this chart… Passive v active FUM (March 2011 – March 2015, $b)     Source: Tria Managed Funds Review There are […]


Advice: retail super funds’ home ground advantage

One of the less contentious points raised in our breakfast strategy session earlier in the month was that retiring is complex. It’s difficult to retire effectively in Australia without financial advice. So in a market that is maturing rapidly as the baby boomers retire, a natural conclusion might be that those funds with the biggest […]


[INFOGRAPHIC] Key statistics and trends in the medical scheme industry

NMG Benefits Actuarial and Specialised Services division have analysed the key statistics and trends in the medical scheme industry derived from the latest Council for Medical Schemes’ (‘CMS’) Annual Report 2014-2015, in conjunction with the previous CMS reports. The 15 largest open medical schemes as well as the Government Employees Medical Scheme have been considered, […]


Toska Kouskos Talks Low Cost Medical Schemes

Low Cost Benefit Option (“LCBO”) Framework Approved by the Council for Medical Schemes (“CMS”) Your scheme may launch a Low Cost Benefit Option on 1 January 2016! With mounting cost pressures in the healthcare space, we have seen a mushrooming of different products [outside of the Medical Schemes Act (‘the Act”)] to provide a solution […]


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