Press Release: NMG Group discusses insurance industry trends

NMG Group recently hosted an event at the Colombo Swimming Club for its clients in celebration of its 25th anniversary in the island. NMG, Partner, Mathew Maguire remarked, “Recent changes in the regulatory landscape have resulted in companies having to think more strategically about their underlying business, and the risk based perspective.” He further pointed […]


Graduating to Higher Ed, the New Focus of 403(b) Advisors

Topics in 403(b) Distribution: Third in a Series To the litany of 403(b) advisor transformation over the past five years add shifting plan sponsor focus. As occasional 403(b) advisors have been displaced by more committed practitioners and retail clients have been displaced by institutional clients, so too have 403(b) advisors reordered their prospecting priorities. The […]


Press Release: Smart investor chart of the moment – SMSFs grow at a snail’s pace

These two charts from research firm Tria Investment Partners show the pace at which Australia’s $2.1 trillion superannuation sector is maturing. Net inflows into both self-managed super funds and large pooled funds (measured by those with assets of more than $1 billion) are falling, primarily as more superannuants are retiring and withdrawing their savings. Much […]


Press Release: ‘New insurance regulations pose challenges to companies’

Matthew Maguire, Partner Two of NMG Consulting said that recent changes in the Sri Lankan regulatory landscape have resulted in companies having to think more strategically about their underlying business, and the consequences from a risk based perspective. Speaking at the NMG Consulting networking reception for its clients at the Colombo Swimming Club to celebrate […]


NMG celebrates its 25th anniversary in Sri Lanka

On Wednesday the 5th of April, NMG Consulting held a private drinks reception for its clients at the Sundowner room, at the Colombo Swimming Club to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Two of NMG’s Partners, Matthew Maguire and Roshan Perera, hosted the event with leading members of the Sri Lankan insurance industry, including Managing Directors and […]


Spaceship Part I: a lesson in engagement

The holy grail of superannuation: an engaged member base. This is difficult enough to achieve if you have thousands of advisers on your books and a set of members nearing retirement. But engaging with younger people – say anyone 25+ – is a puzzle few in this industry would say they have solved so far. […]


Cabinet reshuffle and what this means for Investors

By now the news of the latest Cabinet Reshuffle by President Jacob Zuma has been digested and 31 March 2017 may go down in history as South Africa’s Black Friday. As we have learnt in the past, changes to the South African Finance Ministry creates pandemonium in the short-term. This is especially true if the […]


Losing Lights: 403(b) Distribution Gets More Serious

Topics in 403(b) Distribution: Second in a Series Five years ago the 403(b) distribution channel resembled 401(k) in that about half the advisors were “occasionalists” (Lights in our parlance) and about a quarter were specialists or Heavies. Transitional or Medium advisors made up about a quarter of both the 401(k) and 403(b) channels. Those proportions […]


Press Release: Retail funds will move to younger clients

The retail funds industry has traditionally focused on clients aged 45 and over but this will need to change as baby boomers draw down on their wealth, which could potentially pose a threat to industry funds, according to Tria Investment Partners. The firm’s partner, Oliver Hesketh said in a post that while industry funds traditionally […]


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